Do we really need another Financial Independence Retire Early website?

If you landed on this peripheral blog on the web, I am sure that you stumbled here after hopping on the great writings of other FIRE titans. Well, I have read those too and learned a lot from them. My favorites: Mr. Money Mustache, Rob Berger, JL Collins, Millennial Revolution, MadFientist, and others. You may be wondering if we really need another FIRE website.

So why did I decide to launch PrometheusFI?

Well, that’s simply because they have already reached financial independence. While I am still going through the struggles of the wealth accumulation phase. 


While the frugality that I am embracing during the journey is liberating in so many ways from consumerism and distractions, there are some challenges of the journey that not everyone writes about. 

These are mines. Balancing savings and investments with a partner who does not share my interest in financial independence and frugality. Integrating social and environmental impact considerations in index investing, raising a family in the expensive San Francisco Bay Area. Working at a nonprofit where I make half of the money I could make elsewhere but that makes me happy, and more. This is what I want to write about in my FI journey.

If you want an honest take on Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) and find your way through the obstacles of achieving it, but at the same time discuss tactical ways to optimize your FIRE journey, then you have landed in the right place!